Volga Shipping


Volga Shipping Company congratulates veterans of war on the Victory Day

On the eve of the Victory Day, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, former employees of Volga Shipping Company (part of UCL Holding), take congratulations from the company management.

For the first time, the event is arranged in the form of individual meeting since the health of VSC ex-employees does not let them take part in the ceremony held at the company’s headquarters.

Volga Shipping Company management have congratulated the veterans and thanked them for heroism shown during the war and for commitment demonstrated in peacetime.

In celebration of the Victory Day, financial assistance was provided to seven war veterans and 86 homefront workers.

In the years of the Great Patriotic War, converted and armed river ships joined the Volga Flotilla of Warships. Gunboats and armored boats were carrying troops, ammunition and arms along the Volga river, participated in deactivation of mines and firefighting.

Civil ships of Volga Shipping Company were also taking part in war campaigns. During the war, many civil steamships and motorships were destroyed on the Volga by airstrikes and mines, while on combat missions.

Ten RSD44 vessels of Volga Shipping Company are named after the killed captains of river ships who participated in the battle of Stalingrad.

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